On Gentoo all packages are compiled from source.
To proceed, you need permissions to run emerge. You should use the generic options -auvDN to compile packages in order to see all relevant USE flags and include all dependencies.
You have to set specific USE flags then re-compile the relevant packages.
PhPeace doesn't require specific settings for compiling Apache. A typical configuration from /etc/make.conf is shown below
APACHE2_MODULES="auth_dbm auth_anon auth_digest authz_host authn_dbm authn_default authz_dbm authz_default auth_basic authn_file authz_groupfile authz_owner authz_user alias file-cache echo charset-lite cache disk-cache mem-cache ext-filter case_filter case-filter-in deflate filter mime-magic cern-meta expires headers usertrack unique-id proxy proxy-connect proxy-ftp proxy-http info include cgi cgid dav dav_fs vhost-alias speling rewrite log_config logio env setenvif mime status autoindex asis negotiation dir imap actions userdir so"
Please note the following flags:
- deflate (to compress content before delivery, you probably want this)
- rewrite (to enable the URL rewrite engine)
- proxy and proxy-connect (used by rewrite)
You may find additional information on the official Gentoo documentation page
Once you are done with your USE flags, compile Apache 2.2
# emerge -auvDN www-servers/apacheMySQL 5.1 installation is done without any specific requirements.
# emerge -auvDN dev-db/mysqlFor PHP, set the version you are compiling for in /etc/make.conf
and the following USE flags in /etc/portage/package.use
dev-lang/php cli ctype curl fileinfo iconv imap json mysql pcre posix session simplexml soap sockets ssl tokenizer unicode xml xsl zip zlib
Then compile PHP 5.3
# emerge -auvDN dev-lang/phpand PEAR
# emerge -auvDN dev-php/pear # emerge -auvDN dev-php/PEAR-PEARInstall curl 7.2
# emerge -auvDN net-misc/curlFor ImageMagick, set the following USE flags in /etc/portage/package.use
media-gfx/imagemagick jpeg jpeg2k tiff png tiff wmf zlib
and compile ImageMagick 6.6
# emerge -auvDN media-gfx/imagemagickIf you want to use server-side video/audio encoding, set the following USE flags in /etc/portage/package.use
media-video/ffmpeg encode mp3
then compile ffmpeg
# emerge -auvDN media-video/ffmpegIf you want to use APC cache
# emerge -auvDN dev-php5/pecl-apcFor upload progress information
# emerge -auvDN dev-php5/pecl-uploadprogressFor PDF indexing
# emerge -auvDN app-text/popplerFor .doc indexing
# emerge -auvDN app-text/antiword